Magento 2.2.2 - What to expect

1 February 2018

With Magento announcing record growth in 2017, they continue to improve their open source platform with the introduction of Magento 2.2.2

With Magento announcing record growth in 2017, they continue to improve their open source platform with the introduction of Magento 2.2.2. Along with general bug fixes there are significant improvements to the core and payment process as well as a host of new features.

The update that really grabbed our attention was the new Magento Functional Testing Framework (MFTF). MFTF is aimed to replace the Functional Testing Framework (FTF) in future releases with the intention of making testing easier for developers and improving quality. One of the stand out differences between MFTF and the FTF is the change from writing tests in PHP and XML to being able to write tests in just XML.

As FTF did MFTF utlises PHPUnit and Selenium Standalone Server but also adds a number of new tools including Java, Codeception, Robo and Allure. These help to provide a number of different outputs and error logging to assist debugging while still providing the traditional outputs such as screenshots you got with FTF.

Keep an eye on our blog for updates on MFTF and our experiences as we upgrade our clients to Magento 2.2.2.

For more information on Magento 2.2.2, you can read the release notes here.



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