Introducing the Magento Wheel of Fortune!

2 November 2015

In an ever-increasing technological world, website efficiency is key and every millisecond counts. So to ensure online business success, it's paramount that your Magento store is optimised and developed for peak performance.

Magento sites with slow response times or bad customer journeys, often suffer with poor conversion rates. With such fierce online competition, growing retail opportunities and online shopper savviness, can you afford to have complicated customer journeys and slow-loading web pages?

At Absolute, we've created the Magento Wheel of Fortune, packed full of useful tricks to help improve the speed and overall performance of a Magento site. From gift wrapping extensions for Valentine’'s Day customers to database and server solutions; our 12 Magento-specific expert tips are guaranteed to improve ecommerce performance and efficiency, ready for every retail-boosting event of the year.

To get started, roll the Magento Wheel of Fortune!



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