LuLu’s Gift Company

A cost effective Shopify build extending an existing B2C site with features for new B2B customers, plus a tailored theme.


Having grown the company from a small transactional site to having their own newly opened brick and mortar store, LuLu required a website which met their current and future needs and which allowed the business to expand.

We helped LuLu’s Gift Company secure a grant to fund the website by supporting the application with an in depth document that detailed the project brief and objectives. We ensured every functional aspect of the site was scoped to give the grant application the best chance of being accepted. After a few rounds of feedback the funding was agreed, allowing the project to commence.
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We were approached by LuLu’s Gift Company, an independent retail business, to assist them with their plans to enter the B2B gift market.

Tailored design

With LuLu’s already going through a brand refresh, this new website was a great way for us to showcase their new look and feel. We took the Homepage, Product Detail Page and Product Listing Page through the design process to make sure the user experience is smooth throughout the site. We also had to design a few of the B2B features, such as the tiered pricing tables and the B2B/B2C switcher as these were not standard with the pre-existing theme.

Bespoke B2B Functionality

The new LuLu’s Gift site would work beautifully for B2C customers, but we needed to add some additional features to make life easier for their B2B customers. The first thing was to be able to differentiate the two areas and direct B2B customers to a microsite that had messaging, products and functionality tailored to their requirements.

Customers can visit or (subdomain) and see content directly relevant to B2C or B2B, plus we added a handy switcher along the top of the site to help customers select relevant content for themselves and also to highlight these two areas exist within the site.

We created a bespoke system so that from a single Shopify admin, LuLu staff can manage a separate homepage and global navigation for the two sites. Ordinarily you’d need two Shopify backends to do this sort of thing, but that causes the issue of having to synchronise inventory levels between the two for any shared products. So we opted to keep it within a single backend and add a bit of ingenuity to the front end to present the two different departments.

In addition, there were a number of B2B features that were added when viewing products on the B2B site, such as tiered pricing and minimum order quantities. We also added some custom features across both sites, and mindful of keeping the site loading quickly, we avoided using third-party apps for these features and created them with some bespoke work within the theme itself.

We added the ability for customers to add personalised messages and to upload images to be attached to products or greetings cards, and for them to choose if they’d like their order gift wrapping or not. We also added the ability for LuLu staff to easily create bundles of products that can be sold together, plus a quick re-order feature within the customer’s account area.


Collaborating with the LuLu team, we delivered a site which would stand out in its sector; with its soft colour palette, easy to navigate menus and a straightforward switcher between B2B and B2C.

We used analytical tools, combined with our years of expertise, to achieve a great performance score on both desktop and mobile.

The resulting website really compliments their brick and mortar store and opens up new markets for the business to realise its plans for growth.


Like what you see? Need a hand? Want to work together? If so, please get in touch so we can discuss your next project.



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